Watch The Recording To Learn

Funds Insight
Funds Insight

Get an in-depth look at the Waahe Value Add Fund’s structure, performance, and goals, providing you with essential knowledge for informed investment decisions.

Market & Microtrends Icon
Market & Microtrends
Get into a discussion on market micro and macro trends, giving you inside-out on how to navigate and capitalize on the growing multifamily market.
Maximize Returns Icon
Maximize Your Returns
Learn new ways of investing (IRA, 401K etc.) and tax strategies and benefits you should be doing to maximize returns and stay ahead in the market.
Phoenix City

Key Points Covered

  • Fund Overview: An in-depth look at the Waahe Value Add Fund’s objectives, structure, and performance.
  • Project Updates: Latest updates on projects with real-time photos showcasing progress.
  • Market Insights: Analysis of median sale prices, job creation statistics, commute times, and available facilities in the property area.
  • Appealing Amenities: Discover the attractive amenities such as modular builds, swimming pools etc, that enhance the value and appeal for tenants.
  • Investor Benefits: Detailed insights into the fund’s class structure and strategic planning to maximize investment benefits.
  • Tax Advantages: Understand the tax benefits associated with the fund and strategies to leverage them for maximum gain.
  • Community Highlights: Updates on community developments near our investment properties.

Meet The Speakers



Principal, Founder Waahe Capital

12 years of leadership experience in operations, including executive roles at a med device startups, supply chain consulting & automotive manufacturing. At Waahe Capital, Vikram leads the acquisitions, investor relationships and operations.

Mask group (58)


CEO, Founder Waahe Capital

Extensive experience in developing new business processes to optimize financial operations and increase business profitability. At Waahe Capital, Princi leads the financial and property management verticals.

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